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Erin Lang Compositions - Home

This site is dedicated to the musical composition works of Erin Lang. 

This site features some of the composition and voice work of Erin Lang. She primarily works with filmmakers, art galleries, multimedia arts, and dance performances, to help bring stories and concepts to life. A singer and multi-instrumentalist, she is also the founder of the musical projects 'Foundling' and 'Feral & Stray'.

Erin is a multi-instrumentalist who plays the harp, bass, guitar, trumpet, and keys. She works with a team of incredibly talented musicians filling out any needs for drums and percussion, horns, woodwinds and strings. She has a deep love and reverence for dusty tremolo guitars, tropical night sounds, analogue synths, 1950's ghostly choir voices, intimate lullabies and love songs, and broad expansive soundscapes. She has a passion for making musical dreams audible.
